"The Retail Doctor"

Billy Cuthrell

Music Inc. Magazine
Mike motivates people and is a proven leader. I've watched Mike work a trade show booth and he leads teams by actions and example.
Full Testimonial

Mike Dias is unlike anybody I have ever met. Mike is a connector, a mentor, a source of accurate knowledge, a leader, a creator and a valued friend.

Where others "network" Mike builds deep relationships with an incredible knowledge of knowing what people want and need before they do. That's true long term relationship building and not just lip service for the sake of a short term deal. Mike wants to make you successful over and over and over again and to that end he has a vast reach to connect the right folks to make the right things happen.

Where most people that are considered go to sources are asked their thoughts they often respond with an answer that starts with the words, "I think". When you ask Mike his thoughts he just knows. That's what makes great mentors. They know the answers because of experience.

Where most people just manage others Mike motivates people and is a proven leader. I've watched Mike work a trade show booth and he leads teams by actions and example.

Where most people see an issue that has no clear answer or an insurmountable problem Mike can create the avenues and tools to make it happen.

I've been in the music products industry for 30 years and in that time I can count on one hand the true number of real professionals I have met that have made an impact. I can also count on that same hand the number of folks that I call true friends. Mike Dias is top of that list and I consider myself fortunate that I know I can pick up the phone anytime and Mike is there to help me.

Billy Cuthrell — "The Retail Doctor" columnist for Music Inc Magazine

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