Product launches showcase how effectively your employees are networking

Product launches showcase how effectively your employees are networking

Mike Dias at NAMM
Mike Dias
August 27, 2024

Networking allows you to tackle the big challenges and to create lasting impact

Whenever I give a talk about networking and specifically about Why Nobody Likes Networking, I always start off by mentioning why networking feels like a dirty word and all the reasons that it feels fake, phony, and awkward. Why — the whole concept feels like strip mining or clear cutting or any other resource exploration. What Can You Do For Me?

I then go on to explain that networking deserves its bad reputation since almost everyone does it wrong. And that networking in its truest form is generative, collaborative, and the path you must take in order to get things done.

Nothing exemplifies this philosophy and approach to my networking-mindset like a product launch. A product launch without behind-the-scenes horse-trading and networking principles is anemic. A product launch based on networking principles will be filled with quotes, testimonials, stories, wins, emotions, and an entire squad rooting for your success.

Launching the SR117 Live Vocal Microphone for Earthworks Audio

The Shure KSM11 microphone launched in April of 2022 and it was a flawless textbook-perfect launch. I was in awe of the execution and the team behind it killed. Absolutely killed. Best product launch in recent memory — so naturally that was the benchmark and blueprint that I wanted to follow. They had pull quotes and testimonials from

My success is because of the success of my entire network.

Everything that I have ever accomplished can easily be traced back to the favors of others. I am not an island and I do nothing alone. At best, I am a puppet on the stage or figurehead that speaks for and enables the work of many many many talented individuals.

Earthworks Audio, my most recent employer, was a perfect example of this. When I came onboard at the start of the pandemic, it was a small boutique mom-and-pop shop at best. Their measurement microphones had decent penetration and the brand was solid and well respected amongst those in the know. It was a niche of a niche company. But it had amazing technology that punched well above its weight-class and it had a lot of fans-in-the-wings wanting to root for its success.

And it is those fans and boosters that helped make this a textbook-perfect  launch. Without all of their help, the company would never be here. Friends that I have made from working in this space for nearly 20 years instantly rallied to the cause — always asking how they could help and pulling in favors of their own on my behalf. My teammates and employers from the past all jumped on the bandwagon and offered unwavering support. (Jerry — I’m talking about you and KG and all of your extended networks!)

Over the last few years — and because of all of the collective networking-mindset help — Earthworks has earned permission to move from front of house to center stage. We’ve already seen the existing vocal mic pop up on festivals, televised productions and album covers.None of this would have been possible without the collective help of the industry.

And all of those previous wins only helped set the stage for what comes next. In talking about networking, my favorite bit is to break down the rules of playing the favor game.Never ask for anything unless it’s an easy ask — unless you already know that it's a forgone conclusion requiring minimal effort. Otherwise spend your time giving, offering, opening doors, enabling, creating, generating, and delivering.

I like to think that I’m a living example of this networking philosophy. I have spent my entire career building and helping others. And I delight in watching my friends and networks succeed. Nothing makes me happier than being able to connect dots and create opportunities.

And with this product launch, we won, because the time was right and the price was right and the product was right — and because we had already done the hard lift these last 3 years to set Earthworks on the right path. So for this particular launch — because we had earned the right — I asked for a lot of help and cashed in a lot of owed favors.  A lot!

So what came next was simply the foregone conclusion. Of course we got products placed with top talent. Of course we won the coveted industry TEC Award. For me and for anyone watching in the know behind the scenes — especially for each of you who has been a part of it all — this is the art. This is the show. This is what happens when great products help great people. And this truly represents what is possible when people and teams work together to tackle the big challenges and to create lasting value.

Mike Dias is a business leader with over 20 years of experience working at the intersection of Pro Audio and Consumer Electronics. He is a huge believer that life is about who you know and that success is about who's in your network. This is why he writes and and speaks so passionately about Why Nobody Likes Networking and What Entertainers can Teach Executives. From time to time, he shares business wins like this to illustrate the power of adopting a networking mindset for work and for life.  If you or your teams need more sales & wins or if you want to infuse your organization with that same can’t fail attitude and work ethic that goes into building out all of your favorite shows and concerts, then simply get in touch.

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